Health and Social Care Caroline is passionate about protecting local health and care resources, having been the Minister of State for Care and Mental Health from 2018 - 2020. She...
Education and training Ensuring everyone in Gosport, Stubbington, Lee-on-the-Solent and Hill Head has access to the best education and training is essential to the future of the area...
Defence, Veterans & Service Personnel As MP for a constituency with a deep-rooted military history, Caroline is committed to protecting the area's defence industry, personnel and veterans. She has...
Sport and Fitness Caroline is proud of Gosport, Lee-on-the-Solent, Stubbington and Hill Head’s fantastic sports heritage with BMX champion Ayesha McLelland, Invictus Games...
Justice and Policing Caroline works to support and improve policing and regularly meets with Gosport and Fareham's Chief Inspector, the Chief Constable of Hampshire Constabulary and...
Homes Caroline is strongly opposed to housing proposals which threaten the strategic gap between Gosport, Fareham and Stubbington. She believes it is vital that we...
Marine Inspired by Gosport's peninsula location and the potential for the wider Portsmouth Harbour area for driving jobs, skills and economic prosperity through marine...
Environment Caroline strongly believes that now is the time to act to ensure we leave our Britain cleaner and greener for our children. The UK has cut green-house emissions...
Community organisations Caroline believes that voluntary organisations are the backbone of the Gosport Constituency’s community. She has visited various local and national charities...
Energy and Fuel Caroline has been hugely concerned about the high energy and fuel prices combined with the increasing cost of living that is hitting individuals and businesses...
Women & Equalities Caroline has always been a committed champion of women's equality. In particular, she has strived to inspire more women and girls to become business and career...
Parliamentary Reform Caroline has been contacted by constituents on a variety of constitutional issues and reforms to Parliament.